Tendersniper consolidates manual and electronic HDPE Pipe Laying Service from thousands of sources across India. Sign in or Register to receive Best in Class HDPE Pipe Laying Service tender alerts and search HDPE Pipe Laying Service Tenders in India using a simplified and user friendly interface. Further, our registered users can view the full tender details and receive customized tender alerts in email.

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1. MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT Tender - Location: West Bengal

Laying of 11.413 Km HDPE pipes PN 6 including road restoration works within Santipur Municipality under AMRUT 2.0

Due Date: 21-Aug-2024   Santipur  Value ₹: 1.26 Crore

Sector: Municipality Updated : 24-Jul-2024
2. Pune Municipal Corporation Tender - Location: Maharashtra

Prabhag Kra 19 Lohiyanagar ,Mhasoba Mandirajaval 54 A.P Line Concrete Karane (D.P.D.C Antargat Kame)

Due Date: 29-Jul-2024   Pune  Value ₹: 8.44 Lakh

Sector: Municipality Updated : 21-Jul-2024
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3. Rural Development Panchayath Raj Engineering Department Tender - Location: Karnataka

Repair and maintenance of all drinking water motors comes under the Kundur grama panchayath

Due Date: 25-Jul-2024  Value ₹: 30.0

Sector: RDPR Updated : 21-Jul-2024
4. GUNTUR MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Tender - Location: Andhra Pradesh


Due Date: 15-Jul-2024   Guntur  Value ₹: 6.99 Lakh

Sector: Municipality Updated : 13-Jul-2024
5. GUNTUR MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Tender - Location: Andhra Pradesh


Due Date: 15-Jul-2024   Guntur  Value ₹: 6.71 Lakh

Sector: Municipality Updated : 13-Jul-2024
6. TNEB Limited Tender - Location: Tamil Nadu

01 / 2024-25 OF SE/O/SPR

Due Date: 20-Jul-2024   Sriperumbudur

Sector: Power Sector Updated : 10-Jul-2024
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7. Haryana Government Tender - Location: Haryana

Laying of HDPE pipe line an...

Due Date: 20-Jun-2024   Hisar  Value ₹: 93.33 Lakh

Sector: General Admin Updated : 21-Jun-2024
8. Pune Municipal Corporation Tender - Location: Maharashtra


Due Date: 22-Jun-2024   Pune  Value ₹: 9.95 Lakh

Sector: Municipality Updated : 16-Jun-2024
9. Pune Municipal Corporation Tender - Location: Maharashtra


Due Date: 22-Jun-2024   Pune  Value ₹: 5.08 Lakh

Sector: Municipality Updated : 16-Jun-2024
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10. Directorate of Local Bodies UP Tender - Location: Uttar Pradesh
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