Details: item ratenametext #item description2volley ball net. arfa (cosco - nylon)volley ball (cosco or nivia)volley ball (nivia 799 plastic volleyball antenna 1.8m, white)standard covering volley ball court net for practice sports green (40m length10m height)kho- kho pole (steel pole or wooden)table tennis table (cusco)table tennis racket (cusco)table tennis net (cusco)basketball ring with net (cusco)digital chess clock (dgt 2010 abs plastic digital chess clock, maroon)gi pipe metal(10 m height .2m)softball bats (worth toxic)softball glove (franlin spots)measuring tape (freemans measures abs case open reel fiber measuring tape, 100 meter, multicolour)softball chest protector (schutt)softball helmet (evo shield)champion sports umpire leg guards: single knee umpire’s shin guard for baseball &- pair of 16.5" umpiring shin pads for adults – black (champion sports)cricket helmet (dsc)jersey - size-s (tiger, d.rice reebok fabric mars, honey comb) -tshirt(round neck),shorts,lower,sleevelessjersey -
Sector: University