Displaying latest University of Agricultural Sciences tenders

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Latest University of Agricultural Sciences Tenders

99556060: Expression of Interest for tax consultant service at UAS Dharwad

Due Date: 19-Aug-2024  Location: Hubli-Dharwad   Value ₹: 100.0
Category : Tax Advisor Updated: 21-Jul-2024

99303207: Erecting temporary exhibition stalls and other works for Krishimela -2024 (Four days duration in September 2024) at UAS Dharwad

Due Date: 24-Jul-2024  Location: Hubli-Dharwad   Value ₹: 1.22 Crore
Category : Exhibition Stall Construction Updated: 18-Jul-2024
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98974823: Expression of Interest for Parking of surplus amount in fixed deposit by UAS, Dharwad

Due Date: 20-Jul-2024  Location: Hubli-Dharwad   Value ₹: 7.0 Crore
Category : Banking and investment Updated: 13-Jul-2024


Due Date: 22-Jul-2024  Location: Hubli-Dharwad   Value ₹: 14.0 Lakh
Category : Structural design consultancy Updated: 13-Jul-2024

98899932: Cleaning upkeeping and maintenance of toilets in buildings (for a period of 12 months) at Main campus UAS Dharwad, AC Hanumanamatti & COF Sirsi campuses

Due Date: 22-Jul-2024  Location: Hubli-Dharwad   Value ₹: 69.07 Lakh
Category : Building cleaning services Updated: 12-Jul-2024

98899931: Cleaning up-keeping and maintenance of toilets in buildings at AC Vijayapur campus

Due Date: 22-Jul-2024  Location: Hubli-Dharwad   Value ₹: 54.23 Lakh
Category : Building cleaning services Updated: 12-Jul-2024

98391610: Extension of existing threshing yard at ARS, Arabhavi

Due Date: 12-Jul-2024  Location: Hubli-Dharwad   Value ₹: 7.53 Lakh
Category : Floor laying services Updated: 05-Jul-2024
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98391634: Providing HT Aerial bunched cable XLPE from NG-4 to KVK building at main campus of UAS Dharwad

Due Date: 12-Jul-2024  Location: Hubli-Dharwad   Value ₹: 7.14 Lakh
Category : Aerial bundled cable Updated: 05-Jul-2024

98391626: Repair / renovation / refurbishing to ladies hostel (B1 quarters converted to ladies hostel) at COF Sirsi

Due Date: 12-Jul-2024  Location: Hubli-Dharwad   Value ₹: 3.67 Lakh
Category : Apartment repair services Updated: 05-Jul-2024

98391622: providing waterproofing treatment to ladies hostel (B1 quarters converted to ladies hostel) at COF Sirsi

Due Date: 12-Jul-2024  Location: Hubli-Dharwad   Value ₹: 2.61 Lakh
Category : Waterproofing service Updated: 05-Jul-2024

97884194: Expression of Interest for Parking of surplus amount in fixed deposit by UAS, Dharwad

Due Date: 06-Jul-2024  Location: Hubli-Dharwad   Value ₹: 3.85 Crore
Category : Banking and investment Updated: 28-Jun-2024

97725232: Drone Based LiDAR and Optical data for Yellapur forest area

Due Date: 11-Jul-2024  Location: Hubli-Dharwad   Value ₹: 9.95 Lakh
Category : Drone Updated: 26-Jun-2024

97576320: Precision Autoclave-Fully Automatic

Due Date: 11-Jul-2024  Location: Hubli-Dharwad   Value ₹: 5.9 Lakh
Category : Autoclave and Sterilizer Supplies Updated: 23-Jun-2024
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97182350: Erecting temporary exhibition stalls and other works for Krishimela -2024 (Four days duration in September 2024) at UAS Dharwad

Due Date: 11-Jul-2024  Location: Hubli-Dharwad   Value ₹: 1.22 Crore
Category : Exhibition Stall Construction Updated: 18-Jun-2024

83727288: UPS 10 KVA Online

Due Date: 15-Nov-2023  Location: Hubli-Dharwad   Value ₹: 5.5 Lakh
Category : Uninterruptible power supplies Updated: 19-May-2024

89286869: Gradient Thermal cycler PCR

Due Date: 20-Feb-2024  Location: Hubli-Dharwad   Value ₹: 15.94 Lakh
Category : PCR Machine Updated: 19-May-2024

64093177: eproc-06/2022-23

Due Date: 15-Dec-2022
Category : Thermal Cycler Updated: 19-May-2024

51096163: eproc-13/2021-22

Due Date: 29-Mar-2022
Category : Chain links Updated: 19-May-2024

92285181: SIRI Surakshit Cooker

Due Date: 13-Mar-2024  Location: Hubli-Dharwad   Value ₹: 8.4 Lakh
Category : Kitchen Tools and Utensils Updated: 19-May-2024
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