Details: item 1: in connection with the organizing of east zone inter-university kabaddi(men) tournament at maharaja sriram chandra bhanja deo university to be held from15.11.2023 to 18.11.2023..a) trophies b) athletic training room supplies c) sportswear d) light and soundsystems, e) tent house items f) video and still photography g) banner & boardpreparation and fixing h) flower decoration.item 2: office stationeriesbidders may bid for both items ie item 1 and item 2 or separate bid fromdifferent firms is also allowed for item 1 and item 2. bids will be evaluated for item 1and item 2 separately or jointly. the tenders along with the tender cost and emd asgivenin bid documents in the sealed envelope should be superscribed
Sector: University