Details: list of components of high voltage power electronics lab (work bench) being a description qty delivery 02 no schedule 06 weeksthe workbench should have following features: on board ( ac power supplieso single phase power supplyo three phase power supply on board step down ac power supplieso single phase power supplyo three phase power supply mcb protected single and three phase ac supply three phase indicator (r-y-b) at front panel on board oscilloscope with power scope on board dc/ac voltmeter and dc/ac ammeter on board firing circuitso single phase firing circuito three phase firing circuito cycloconverter firing circuit test point are provided to observe waveforms at different blocks in firing circuit on board power devices assemblyo diode assemblyo scr assemblyo igbt assembly internal rc snubber circuit in power circuit module 2 mm and 4 mm socket provided to make different connections easily replaceable firing circuit and power circuit module four 200
Sector: University