Details: itemcodeitemname specification make rate/unit gstlandedcost(inclusiveof all taxes/ for)1spectrophotometerdigital uv-visiblespectrophotometerfeatures:• 3.5 digits lcd display for data• range: 195-1000 nm, manual wavelengthcalibration & selection• facility for auto concentration, %transmission, absorbance and k-factormeasurement• sample holder with 4 positions selectorcontrol for 10 mm path length cuvettes• facility of interface through rs232c.• supplied with a set of 2 quartz & 4 glasscuvettes, software & other accessories2digitalconductivitymeterfeatures:• 3.5 digit led display• facility for temperature compensation &digit cell constant adjustment• supplied with conductivity cell & otheraccessories3microprocessorconductivitymeterfeatures:• 128x64 large graphical lcd display• facility of automatic calibration, rangeselection, temperature compensation• selectable reference temperature• data storage facility up to 1000 samples• facility of computer interfacing throughusb• supplied with fl
Sector: University