Details: name of bidder firm/<1>1&2required items with technical specifications quantity<2> <3>1. to study speed control of separately excited dc motor by varyingarmature voltage using single phase fully controlled bridgeconverter.2. to study speed control of separately excited dc motor by varyingarmature voltage using single phase half controlled bridge converter. 1features each experiment panel must be secured in an abs molded plasticsturdy enclosure & connection through banana sockets & patchchords. set of user guide provided with each unit.built in power supply•dc supply : + 12v, 500ma,•unregulated power supply 17v / 750ma,•regulated 7vdc to 14vdc/3a o/p should be provided as 12vbattery charging supply. in absence of battery, same may be used assimulated battery source to run experiments on inverters etc.•isolated dc supply +12v/ 300ama with isolated common.•on board inverter transformer of primary & secondaries: 12-11-0-11-12/3a.•on board o/p to isolated drive circuitac suppl
Sector: University