Details: decoration of selected building and gardens(mba department, vidyasagar mancha & frontgarden, nbu gate no-2, rabindra vanue mancha& rajarammohun statue including two gardens,administrative building and adjacent rose garden,humanities building partially, nbu guest houseand adjacent garden etc) in nbu main campus bythe chain of led/rice tuni light on hire chargesbasis for the day of upcoming 49th annualconvocation. the spacing between the chainsshould be kept below 300mm. the worksincludes all materials, labour, tools & tackles,connecting from the given source for its lighting,24 hrs emergency duty staff etc for execution ofthe job complete in all respect as per directionand satisfaction of the engineer-in-charge foruniversity of north bengal at rajarammohunpur, siliguri, dist-darjeeling.
Sector: University