Latest Amsol Huli Collection Tenders

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Search Amsol Huli Collection tenders published by government agencies in India.

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1. Delhi Development Authority Tender - Location: Delhi

M/o completed scheme under N/A-II Hort. Zone.

Due Date: 29-Jul-2024   Delhi  Value ₹: 26.82 Lakh

Sector: Urban Authority Updated : 23-Jul-2024
2. Department of Agricultural Research and Education Tender - Location: Rajasthan

Jobcontract work for maintaintance of gurdan and various type of horticultural activities under the Farm Section of the Institute

Due Date: 12-Aug-2024   Tonk  Value ₹: 7.5 Lakh

Sector: Agriculture Misc Updated : 23-Jul-2024
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3. Public Works Department Tender - Location: Delhi
4. Department of Defence Production Tender - Location: Karnataka

Custom Bid for Services - Service works contract for Horticulture works in Engine Division HAL BC

Due Date: 09-Aug-2024   Benakanahalli

Sector: Defense Updated : 21-Jul-2024
5. Zilla Parishad Tender - Location: West Bengal

Construction of Home Stay room at Mongaldwip Echo Tourism Park, Ranaghat-I PS, Habibpur, Nadia

Due Date: 27-Jul-2024   Nadia  Value ₹: 3.45 Lakh

Sector: Zilla Parishad Updated : 19-Jul-2024
6. CE Small Scale Irrigation (WC) Pune Tender - Location: Maharashtra

Gated Cement Concrete Bandhara at Chivalutar Konyapada NO.01 Tal.Akkalkuwa Dist.Nandurbar

Due Date: 30-Jul-2024   Nandurbar  Value ₹: 1.15 Crore

Sector: Irrigation Updated : 17-Jul-2024
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7. CE Small Scale Irrigation (WC) Pune Tender - Location: Maharashtra

Gated Cement Concrete Bandhara at Chivalutar Panbidapada NO.04 Tal.Akkalkuwa Dist.Nandurbar

Due Date: 30-Jul-2024   Nandurbar  Value ₹: 1.29 Crore

Sector: Irrigation Updated : 17-Jul-2024
8. Saharanpur Municipal Corporation Saharanpur UP Tender - Location: Uttar Pradesh

Prabhagiya Vanadhikari Shivalik Van Prabhag

Due Date: 18-Jul-2024   Saharanpur

Sector: Municipality Updated : 14-Jul-2024
9. Irrigation Department Tender - Location: Kerala

KPIP Monsoon Preparedness Emergency works between ch 10 940km and

Due Date: 23-Jul-2024   Palakkad  Value ₹: 83.7 Thousand

Sector: Irrigation Updated : 13-Jul-2024
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10. Department of Agriculture Tender - Location: Maharashtra

Cement Nala Band At Kasabe Tadwala Ta Dharashiv Dist Dharashiv Gat No -MR-12/I/1d/02-(1 CNB WORK) JALYUKT SHIVAR ABHIYAN 2.00

Due Date: 25-Jul-2024   Osmanabad  Value ₹: 14.31 Lakh

Sector: Agriculture Dept Updated : 12-Jul-2024