Displaying latest Tollygunge Industrial Training Institute tenders

Search INDUSTRIAL TRAINING INSTITUTE TOLLYGUNG tenders using a simplified and user friendly interface. Tendersniper consolidates manual and electronic tenders under works, goods, consulting services and non-consulting services categories, Expression of Interest (EOI), Request of Information (RFI), Request for Quotation (RFQ), Private Public Partnership (PPP) and Prequalification (PQ) tenders published by the INDUSTRIAL TRAINING INSTITUTE TOLLYGUNG. Tendersniper provides the best quality alerts in the market on Tollygunge ITI tenders. Register to view the full tender details and to receive customized tender alerts in your email. Our registered users can use the following options to filter the tenders published by the INDUSTRIAL TRAINING INSTITUTE TOLLYGUNG and quickly find the tender they are looking for: Value, district, published date, expiry date, estimate value, Earnest Money Deposit or EMD, bid submission type (i.e., manual or electronic) and value range. Tendersniper consolidates online tenders, e Tenders, Expression of Interest, Request for Quotation, and Manual tender notice published by INDUSTRIAL TRAINING INSTITUTE TOLLYGUNG in the various e-Procurement portals in India.

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Latest Tollygunge ITI Tenders

100009961: Supply testing installation and commissioning of machinery equipment instrument hand tools etc.

Due Date: 04-Sep-2024  Location: Kolkata
Category : Industrial Machinery Supplies
Updated : 28-Jul-2024

100011072: Upgradation repair maintenance of equipment machineries shop outfits for different trade courses of ...

Due Date: 13-Sep-2024  Location: Kolkata
Category : College Building Construction
Updated : 28-Jul-2024

97267035: Upgradation repair and maintenance of equipment machineries shop outfits for different trade courses...

Due Date: 12-Jul-2024  Location: Kolkata
Category : Industrial Machinery Supplies
Updated : 20-Jun-2024
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96845793: Supply testing installation and commissioning of machinery equipment instrument hand tools etc.

Due Date: 28-Jun-2024  Location: Kolkata
Category : General Machine and Tools
Updated : 12-Jun-2024

1784972: Pur/tollygunge/ e-nit-02/ 2017-18 sl-10

Due Date: 17-Aug-2017  Location: Kolkata
Category : Carpentry items
Updated : 19-May-2024

9058651: Pur/tollygunge/ e-nit-01/ 2018-19/sl17

Due Date: 29-Jan-2019  Location: Kolkata   Value ₹: 99.0 Lakh
Category : General Machine and Tools
Updated : 19-May-2024

86621184: Supply and testing of training materials raw materials consumables etc for different trades

Due Date: 04-Jan-2024  Location: Kolkata
Category : Hand tools
Updated : 19-May-2024

61560960: Supply testing installation and commissioning of machineries of welder trade

Due Date: 07-Nov-2022  Location: Kolkata   Value ₹: 15.0 Lakh
Category : Welding Parts
Updated : 19-May-2024
To view the full tender details about the latest Tollygunge ITI tenders and to receive customized alerts for tenders published by Tollygunge Industrial Training Institute  in your email.

33422797: Pur/imc/iti tolly/ e-nit-01/ 2021-22/sl2

Due Date: 22-Jun-2021  Location: Kolkata
Category : General Machine and Tools
Updated : 19-May-2024

85017067: Supply of training materials

Due Date: 29-Nov-2023  Location: Kolkata
Category : Structural materials
Updated : 19-May-2024

9058649: Pur/tollygunge/ e-nit-01/ 2018-19/sl16

Due Date: 29-Jan-2019  Location: Kolkata   Value ₹: 99.0 Lakh
Category : General Machine and Tools
Updated : 19-May-2024

57748721: Pur/imc/iti tolly/ e-nit-06/ 2022-23

Due Date: 26-Aug-2022  Location: Kolkata
Category : Hand tools
Updated : 19-May-2024

9058648: Pur/tollygunge/ e-nit-01/ 2018-19/sl15

Due Date: 29-Jan-2019  Location: Kolkata   Value ₹: 99.0 Lakh
Category : General Machine and Tools
Updated : 19-May-2024

47861665: Pur/imc/iti tolly/e-nit-05/2021-22

Due Date: 08-Feb-2022  Location: Kolkata
Category : Hand tools
Updated : 19-May-2024
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62038050: Pur/iti tolly/e-nit-01/2022-23

Due Date: 22-Nov-2022  Location: Kolkata   Value ₹: 50.0 Lakh
Category : Hand tools
Updated : 19-May-2024

75137528: Supply of training materials, raw materials, consumables etc. for different trade courses.

Due Date: 23-Jun-2023  Location: Kolkata   Value ₹: 5.0 Lakh
Category : Structural materials
Updated : 19-May-2024