Details: 01 ck/8410-000062 to 8410-000065/skirtwhite striped twill size 1 to size 4tc/clo/173(d) & schedule no cqa(t&c)/tc-15/8(d)02 ck/8410-000053 to 8410-000058/jacketwhite striped twill size 1 to size 6tc/clo/172/(d) schedule nocqa(t&c)/tc-15(d)03 ce/8405-000033 & 8405-001647/shirtscotton helless patient size 1 & size 2ind/tc/4508(b), certified sample &schedule no cqa(t&c)/tc-15/8(d)04 h2/4720-000411/tubing rubberinterial diameter 200mm with wallthickness 4mmis : 637 : 1994, 2018 & ss noc/gs/ss/32605 h9/5330-007300/asb shcompr(n/metallic and ungraphited)1850 x 1250 x 0.25mmis : 2712-1979 (gde 0/1) and ss nocqa(gs)/ss/410(a)
Sector: Defense