Displaying latest IHQ of MoD Army tenders in India

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Latest IHQ of MoD Army OSCC Tenders

1. Uttar Pradesh

99594027: AS PER ENQ

Due Date: 26-Jul-2024
Sector: Defense
Category : Electronic Components Updated: 21-Jul-2024
2. Uttar Pradesh

99594022: AS PER ENQ

Due Date: 26-Jul-2024
Sector: Defense
Category : Vehicle Spares Updated: 21-Jul-2024
3. Uttar Pradesh

99416434: AS PER ENQUIRY

Due Date: 30-Jul-2024  Location: Agra
Sector: Defense
Category : Electronic Components Updated: 20-Jul-2024
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4. Uttar Pradesh

99225754: 70801/FCRC/LRC/01/02

Due Date: 22-Jul-2024  Location: Agra
Sector: Defense
Category : Ink Cartridges Updated: 17-Jul-2024
5. Uttar Pradesh

99174660: AS PER ENQUIRY

Due Date: 25-Jul-2024
Sector: Defense
Category : Electronic Components Updated: 17-Jul-2024
6. Uttar Pradesh

98696600: LPR/NIV/NS/29/OE GP/3020

Due Date: 16-Jul-2024  Location: Agra
Sector: Defense
Category : Electronic Components Updated: 10-Jul-2024
7. Uttar Pradesh


Due Date: 15-Jul-2024
Sector: Defense
Category : Vehicle Spares Updated: 06-Jul-2024
8. Uttar Pradesh

98471877: FUSE BOX

Due Date: 15-Jul-2024
Sector: Defense
Category : Enclosure Accessories Updated: 06-Jul-2024
To view the full tender details about the latest IHQ of MoD Army OSCC tenders and to receive customized alerts for tenders published by IHQ of MoD Army OSCC in your email.

9. Uttar Pradesh

98294314: AS PER ENQ

Due Date: 12-Jul-2024
Sector: Defense
Category : Electrical Equipments Updated: 04-Jul-2024
10. Uttar Pradesh

98294359: LPR/CES/NIV/NS/15(ME GP)/3015

Due Date: 13-Jul-2024  Location: Agra
Sector: Defense
Category : Electronic Components Updated: 04-Jul-2024
11. Uttar Pradesh

98040639: COPPER ROD

Due Date: 05-Jul-2024
Sector: Defense
Category : Copper rods Updated: 30-Jun-2024
12. Uttar Pradesh

97815420: AS PER ENQUIRY

Due Date: 04-Jul-2024
Sector: Defense
Category : Medical nasal cannulae Updated: 28-Jun-2024
13. Uttar Pradesh

97815469: AS PER ENQ

Due Date: 03-Jul-2024
Sector: Defense
Category : PCB Components Updated: 27-Jun-2024
14. Uttar Pradesh

97457523: AS PER ENQUIRY

Due Date: 09-Jul-2024
Sector: Defense
Category : Hinges Updated: 26-Jun-2024
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15. Uttar Pradesh

97457526: AS PER ENQUIRY

Due Date: 29-Jun-2024
Sector: Defense
Category : Electronic Components Updated: 22-Jun-2024
16. Uttar Pradesh

97457519: AS PER ENQUIRY

Due Date: 29-Jun-2024
Sector: Defense
Category : Tubes and Tube Fittings Updated: 22-Jun-2024
17. Uttar Pradesh

97367572: NS NIV ENQUIRY

Due Date: 24-Jun-2024
Sector: Defense
Category : Electronic Components Updated: 21-Jun-2024
18. Uttar Pradesh

96966618: AS PER ENQUIRY

Due Date: 17-Jun-2024
Sector: Defense
Category : Hardware Updated: 14-Jun-2024
19. Andhra Pradesh


Due Date: 14-Jun-2024   Value ₹: 16.8 Thousand
Sector: Defense
Category : Fish Updated: 14-Jun-2024
20. Uttar Pradesh

96895204: AS PER ENQ

Due Date: 17-Jun-2024
Sector: Defense
Category : Vehicle Spares Updated: 13-Jun-2024