Details: material & labour for servicing of centrifugal pump set by dismantling of pump set and taking out wornout spare partsopening, cleaning, greasing including replacement of wornout spare parts including cleaning, oiling/greasing of rotating parts, metalling, grinding of pump shaft/ shaft sleeves and re-assembling the same after repairs etc. transportation, reinstalling back on its original place and testing complete for 7.5/5 hp pump sets complete all as specifed and as directed.note : (i) minor spares such as gland packing, gaskets, nuts, bolts, grease, various rings deemed to be included in the quoated rates. (ii) major spares such as shafts, bearings, impellar, throught bush, coupling will be measured & paid seperately under respective items of sch. supply only spares for following spare parts suitable for 7.5/5 hp pump etc to be incorporated in item no 6 here in before.shaft sleeve made out of high carbon steel front bearing rear bearing terminal board bakelite material & l
Sector: Defense