Details: maintenance scheduled for hydraulics :-half yearly maintenance:-for hydraulic valves, motors, pumps and actuators :- check the individual units, inspect, and subject the same to pressure test and record the same. per pump / per motor. check the individual units, inspect, and subject the same to pressure test and record the same. per manifold. after liquidation of defects, recheck the system. start the power pack unit again and run 30 minutes for full working pressure and observe for the above faults and record. per pump / per motor after liquidation of defects, recheck the system. start the power pack unit again and run 30minutes for full working pressure and observe for the above faults and record. per manifold. check hydraulic oil contamination and oil level. flush oil to nas 7( including filter elements) functional checks for performance of following manifold blocks:- power unit manifold block pump filter manifold assembly neutral by pass manifold saddle winch brake manifold spanw
Sector: Defense