Details: 2"lcd projector"digital weighing balance compound microscope"table top centrifuge""bayley iii screening test""dyslexia early screening test-second edition (dest-2)"weschsler abbreviated scale of intelligence"vineland-3 hand scored complete kit, english"exhibition display panel and digital display paneldigital melting/ boiling point apparatusportable oil free vaccum pumpdigital potentiometer with stirrerdigital conductivity meter.magnetic stirrermagnetic stirrermechanical stirrerdouble distillation unitelectronic balancetable top centrifugerefrigerator"lcd projector"digital ph metercolorimeterrefrigeratorspectrophotometermagnetic stirrermicroscope with built in light sourcetable top centrifugemanual rotary microtomewater analyzer kitelectronic balancegel documentation system hardware and softwareimaging trays - uv and white light with laptopsilicon photo detectorcompact hybrid holographic spectrometer system: capable of recording analog and digital hologramsvaccum filtration setuplaser
Sector: University