Details: physics lab equipment/items : analogue cathode ray oscilloscope – 30 mhzfunction generator(3mhz)spectrometer 9”spectrometer 6”polarimeternewton's ring apparatus with sodium lamp and travelling microscopeballistic galvanometer with lamp and scale arrangementexpeyes kitlee’s disc apparatusgouy’s + hall effect apparatus with accessories bh curve apparatus (without cro)g m counter with accessories variable dual power supply 15v 3adigital ic trainer with 12 logic switchesstop watchdigital multimeteroptic fibre-numeric aperture apparatusrheostatresistance box (0-10000ohms)decade inductancedecade capacitancediffraction grating 15000lpicircular coil apparatus laser diffraction study setupdigital balancetemperature coefficient of metallic wiremagnetic stirrer with hot platecentrifuge 8000 rpm digitalthermometer (10 - 260°c)thermometer (10 - 150°c)ph meterheating mantle 500mlheating mantle 250 mlset of 2pc standard quartz cuvettetable lamp
Sector: University