Details: wet mix macadam (table 400-13)providing, laying, spreading andcompacting graded stone aggregateto wet mix macadam specificationincluding premixing the materialwith water at omc in mechanicalmix plant carriage of mixed materialby tipper to site, laying in uniformlayers with paver in sub- base /base course on well preparedsurface and compacting withvibratory roller to achieve thedesired density, complete as perclause 406 of morth vth revisionspecification no. 111, 112, 406, 900m3(cubicmeter)2. 4884(fourthousandeighthundredand eightyfour only)m2(squaremeter)prime coat providing and applyingprimer coat with bitumen emulsion(ss-i type) on prepared surface ofgranular base including clearing ofroad surface and spraying primer atthe rate of 0.70 kg/sqm usingmechanical means as per clause502 of morth vth revisionspecification no. 111, 112, 501,502, 900- over wmmm2(squaremeter)3. 4884(fourthousandeighthundredand eightyfour only)m2(squaremeter)tack coat - providing and applyingtack coat with bitu
Sector: Transport Dept