Details: term contract for artificers works to perform such services and execute such works upon the terms and condition contained or referred to in the tender documents and upon the conditions as per tender documents contained as may be demanded and as are enumerated in the mes standard schedule of rates part-1, 2009 (specifications) together with amendment no 1 to 3 and mes standard schedule of rates part-ii, 2020 (rates) together with amendment no 1 to 122 and general conditions of contracts (iafw-2249) together with errata 1 to 20 amendments no 1 to 49 forming part of tender document during the period of one year from the date of acceptance at the rates contained in the aforesaid mes schedule.note:(i) tenderer shall refer and select the option excess(+) or less(-) sheet to quote the percentage above or below mes standard schedule of rates part-ii, 2020.(ii) amount inserted by the mes under rate column and the total amount reflected in this page is approximate and for reference only being
Sector: Defense