Details: parala maharaja engineering college department of civil engineringsnqtydescription of itemsstructural analysis laboratory (civil/package/01)behavior of column and strut apparatus1. four spring steel columns with different end conditions which are put along a vertical wooden board1 set122. supporting stand and a set of weightsapparatus to verify the deflection of a pin connected truss:1 set31. 4 panels of a pratt truss, cach panel being 40cm in horizontal direction and 30cm in vertical direction2. supporting stand and weightsneedle beam apparatus to verify clarks maxwell theorem:1 seti needle beam 100cm long and 1.25 cm x 4 mm in cross section with graduations at every-10cm along the length supported on two knife edge supports 70cm apart with a 30cm overhang on one side. 2 a dial gauge with 25 mm travel (with a magnetic base)apparatus to determine flexural rigidity of a beam:1 mild steel beam 2.5cm x 3 mm in cross section and 100cm long, pinned to two supports 70 cm apart4situated symme
Sector: University