Details: scarifying or picking gravelled macadam or bituminous macadam surfaces in area n exc 400 sqm and exc 50mm and n exc 100mm deep complete all as specified and directed. material and labour for 7.5cm thick (compacted thickness) wbm in two layers, with coarse aggregates of grading 2 (63 to 40mm size) or of grading 3 (50 to 20mm size), spread, rolled and consolidated to gradient and camber require complete all as specified and directed material and labour for preparing of unsurfaced water bound macadam s by brushing with wire brushes for removing caked mud etc. sweeping with brooms and finally fanning the cleaned surface with gunny bags to remove all loose dirt etc complete all as specified and directed. material and labour for apply evenly a priming/tack coat with bituminous primer by using paving bitumen of vg-10 grade at 10 kg per 10 sq metre complete all as specified and directed material and labour for preparing existing black top or bituminous macadam surfaces by brushing with wir
Sector: Defense