Details: baggage name finail (eagle) 1 lit and 1/2 liter phenyl pill per kg pesil battery (eveready) lifoy soap (large) comfort lychel handwash liquid vita / lycoy) match box bleaching powder per kg with mosquito machine liquid (all out / good night) mosquito liquid all out / good moleshout / good mosquito night) toilet perish odonil (chhada pochha cloth kihagram & jharanakpada room freshener safooder / 2 shilagram flower broom coconut harpick (500ml) winbar liquid (500ml) candle finail pill colin 500ml 104 105 dustbean plastic door mat per square feet and mat shopette per schauer feet grind appian pat (per liter) ball putty (per kg) paris of plaster (per liter) samosan (per kg) plastic pipe 1 ", 2", 3 plyon dump pump 1hp il pump 2 hp plastic sheet (per fota tarpaulin napkin bedsheet spray towel larger towel smaller umbrella larger size (c.c. pa. umbrella tallastic wadi cell topoplastic barrier cell mm surrashan rast 400 gram padad rana pyaa namayagagya rara
Sector: Sports