Details: chair school with hard board (drg no fd/e6/map/05 and relevent drgs) replacement of pvc seat, 4mm thick with 4 x 10mm ribs running in longitudnal & transverse direction, moulded internally with seat, to be fitted with screws made of alumunium alloy complete all as specified. s&f openable top, 18mm thick prelaminated particle board of extenior grade conforming to is-12823 (including supporing clamps as per drawing duly with openable top) duly fitted to slide on the right frame. the edge of top shall be provided with 1.5mm thick pvc beading fixed with wire nails complete all as specified. taking out u/s rubber shoe and s/f rubber shoes size and shape exists all as shown on drg. material and labour for preparation of old painted steel surfaces of chair school with hand board, cleaning including removing dents if any, priming dents portion and applying one coat of synthetic enamel paint of black colour by spray painting (with spray gun) complete all as spfd and directed by engr-in- char
Sector: Defense