Title1,Title2,Title3,Title4,Title5,Title6,Title7,T - 110524498
The Department of Defence has published a tender for "Title1,Title2,Title3,Title4,Title5,Title6,Title7,Title8,Title9,Title10,Title11,Title12,Title13,Title14,Title15,Title16,Title17,Title18,Title19,Title20,Title21,Title22,Title23,Title24,Title25,Title26,Title27" on the 21 Nov 2024. This tender belongs to Inter segment purchase category. This tender is published in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh location. The vendors interested in this tender and related Inter segment purchase tenders can obtain further details by registering in the Tendersniper web portal. Upon registration, Tendersniper sends regular tender alerts by email specifically addressing the user requirements (i.e., keywords, location and value range). Government business is a growing area of opportunity. The businesses are encouraged to actively monitor tender opportunities and participate in them to grow their business.
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Inter segment purchase tender analytics
Department of Defence published 2730 tenders for "inter segment purchase" from October 2019 until October 2020.
To get access to Defense tender
Tender Details
Details: sweeping broom broom soft nos 62 stick broom stick nos 63 harpic 650 ml btl 64 phenyl white 5 ltr btl 25 tolet brush hard nos 56 hand wash liquid btl 57 room freshner liquid btl 58 hand wash refill pkt 59 garbej bag 20 kg pkt 510 vim bar 250 gram nos 511 surf 1 kg pkt 1012 lime packet kg 1513 dusting cloth small size nos 1214 dettol soap 100 gram nos 515 bleaching power packet kg 516 mortin coil packet pkt 1017 allout machine packet nos 518 allout machine refill nos 1019 wiper plastic nos 420 led bulb 9 watt nos 1021 odonil packet nos 1022napthenleneballs packet kg 123 acid bottle ltr 1024 colin 500 ml nos 225 yoga mat size-6x3 nos 1526 folding /charpai(size-6x3 with ply boardfitting) nos 527 table lamp
Sector: Defense