Details: custom bid for services - providing service of forecasting scheduling and deviation statement for the 15 mwac solar power plant at hal nasik monthly as per merc regulation 2018 regulation 1st year , custom bid for services - providing service of forecasting scheduling and deviation statement for the 15 mwac solar power plant at hal nasik monthly as per merc regulation 2018 regulation 2nd year , custom bid for services - providing service of forecasting scheduling and deviation statement for the 15 mwac solar item category/ power plant at hal nasik monthly as per merc regulation 2018 regulation 3rd year , custom bid for services - providing service of forecasting scheduling and deviation statement for the 15 mwac solar power plant at hal nasik monthly as per merc regulation 2018 regulation 4th year , custom bid for services - providing service of forecasting scheduling and deviation statement for the 15 mwac solar power plant at hal nasik monthly as per merc regulation 2018 regul
Sector: Defense