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Latest ANERT Tenders

99605620: esign, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 30 kWp (2 x 15 kWp) Grid Connected Solar PV Power Plant at MCRC Muliyar and Enmakaje, Kasaragod

Due Date: 05-Aug-2024  Location: Thiruvananthapuram
Category : Grid Connected PV System Updated: 22-Jul-2024

98818413: Retender for the Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 10 kWp Grid Connected SPV Power Plant at Family Health Centre, Velur, Thrissur

Due Date: 20-Jul-2024  Location: Thiruvananthapuram
Category : Grid Connected PV System Updated: 12-Jul-2024
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98102281: Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 5kWp Grid Connected SPV Power Plant at GLPS Vadanamkurussi, Palakkad

Due Date: 05-Jul-2024  Location: Thiruvananthapuram
Category : Grid Connected PV System Updated: 01-Jul-2024

98076882: Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 60kWp Grid Connected SPV Power Plant at Govt. Thaluk Hospital Thrikaripur, Kasaragod

Due Date: 10-Jul-2024  Location: Thiruvananthapuram
Category : Grid Connected PV System Updated: 30-Jun-2024
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97908630: Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 10kWp Grid Connected SPV Power Plant at Family Health Centre, Malampuzha, Palakkad

Due Date: 10-Jul-2024  Location: Thiruvananthapuram
Category : Grid Connected PV System Updated: 28-Jun-2024

97908629: Retender for Providing Cleaning Staff for ANERT Headquarters, Thiruvananthapuram

Due Date: 10-Jul-2024  Location: Thiruvananthapuram
Category : Temporary Staffing Updated: 28-Jun-2024

97684629: Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 10 kWp Grid Connected SPV Power Plant at Family Health Centre, Velur, Thrissur

Due Date: 09-Jul-2024  Location: Thiruvananthapuram
Category : Grid Connected PV System Updated: 26-Jun-2024

97684637: Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 1-kW Standalone Solar Power Plant at 8 Anganawadis under ICDS in Wayanad, Kerala

Due Date: 03-Jul-2024  Location: Thiruvananthapuram
Category : Solar power plants Updated: 26-Jun-2024
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97270488: Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 2kWp Grid Connected SPV Power Plant at Anganwadi No 52, Thalikulam Grama Panchayath, Thrissur

Due Date: 25-Jun-2024  Location: Thiruvananthapuram
Category : Grid Connected PV System Updated: 20-Jun-2024

96844121: Expression of Interest (EoI) for Registration of Vendors for Installation of Solar Projects in the State of Kerala (Phase - VI)

Due Date: 20-Jul-2024  Location: Thiruvananthapuram
Category : Solar power plants Updated: 12-Jun-2024

96844120: Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 4kWp (2 x 2kW) Grid Connected SPV Power Plant at 2 Buildings under Anthoor Municipality, Kannur

Due Date: 25-Jun-2024  Location: Thiruvananthapuram
Category : Grid Connected PV System Updated: 12-Jun-2024

96673188: Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 3kWp Grid Connected SPV Power Plant at Govt. Ayurveda Dispensary, Chirakkal, Thrissur

Due Date: 20-Jun-2024  Location: Thiruvananthapuram
Category : Grid Connected PV System Updated: 11-Jun-2024
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