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Latest CNNL Tenders

99779471: Improvements to road from Karalahalli gate to Karalahalli village under IBP in Channapatna taluk

Due Date: 29-Jul-2024  Location: Ramanagara   Value ₹: 69.97 Lakh
Category : Road Relaying Updated: 24-Jul-2024

99780485: Construction of CC Roads and Drains in Gudi Saraguru village coming under Iggaluru Grama Panchayath in Channapatna Taluk.

Due Date: 29-Jul-2024  Location: Ramanagara   Value ₹: 89.97 Lakh
Category : Road and drain Updated: 24-Jul-2024

99688371: Construction of CC Roads and Drains in Hanchipura villages coming under Yelethotodahalli Grama Panchayath in Channapatna Taluk

Due Date: 29-Jul-2024  Location: Ramanagara   Value ₹: 63.74 Lakh
Category : Road and drain Updated: 23-Jul-2024
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99690010: Construction of Compound wall all around Sri Gopalaswamy Temple in Mudugere village coming under Mudugere Grama Panchayathi in Channapatna Taluk

Due Date: 29-Jul-2024  Location: Ramanagara   Value ₹: 37.74 Lakh
Category : Compound Wall Construction Updated: 23-Jul-2024

99688895: Improvements to road from Sogala dodda kere road to Mole road under IBP

Due Date: 29-Jul-2024  Location: Ramanagara   Value ₹: 74.61 Lakh
Category : Road Relaying Updated: 23-Jul-2024

99688867: Construction of check dam across halla in the land of survey no.28 in Soudhohalli village under IBP in Channapatna taluk

Due Date: 29-Jul-2024  Location: Ramanagara   Value ₹: 19.98 Lakh
Category : Check dam construction Updated: 23-Jul-2024

99497836: Providing Boundary trench of Singarasana Tank, and Other Tanks under No.28 HLBC Sub division Nagamangala

Due Date: 29-Jul-2024  Location: Nagamangala   Value ₹: 7.81 Lakh
Category : Trenching service Updated: 21-Jul-2024

99497334: Repairs to toilets in South and North Garden at KRS

Due Date: 26-Jul-2024   Value ₹: 20.0 Lakh
Category : Public Toilet Construction Updated: 21-Jul-2024
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99497332: Improvements to entrance of Brindavan Garden in KR Sagara.

Due Date: 26-Jul-2024   Value ₹: 10.0 Lakh
Category : Dam Gate Repair Updated: 21-Jul-2024

99237910: Removal of Jungle and slipped Earth in Selected reaches of D-8 of TBC

Due Date: 24-Jul-2024   Value ₹: 5.49 Lakh
Category : Jungle Clearance Updated: 20-Jul-2024

99298054: Removal of slipped earth jungle and Desilting from chainage 0.00 km to 8.00 m SD-1 of D-24 under TBC

Due Date: 24-Jul-2024  Location: Hebbur   Value ₹: 14.92 Lakh
Category : Jungle Clearance Updated: 19-Jul-2024


Due Date: 24-Jul-2024   Value ₹: 6.0 Lakh
Category : Jungle Clearance Updated: 17-Jul-2024
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99233272: Health assessment of radial crest gates, river sluice gates and 40 tonne moving gantry of various Hydro Mechanical and electrical component at center portion Hemavathy dam.

Due Date: 24-Jul-2024  Location: Bangalore   Value ₹: 69.56 Lakh
Category : Individual Health Assessment Updated: 17-Jul-2024

99046592: Improvements to new inspection bungalow in Kabini colony

Due Date: 19-Jul-2024   Value ₹: 4.76 Lakh
Category : Civil Construction Updated: 15-Jul-2024

99046598: Improvements in the premises of Kabini colony and helipad area

Due Date: 19-Jul-2024   Value ₹: 4.97 Lakh
Category : Civil Construction Updated: 14-Jul-2024

99042471: Providing Bituminous concrete wear coat to flyover and bridge approches and painting to structures of Bhagamandala flyover

Due Date: 20-Jul-2024   Value ₹: 99.83 Lakh
Category : Bridge Construction Updated: 14-Jul-2024