Displaying latest Cauvery Neeravari Nigama Limited tenders

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Latest CNNL Tenders

Road and drain tender in Ramanagara
Road and drain tender in Ramanagara
Road and drain tender in Ramanagara
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Road Repair tender in Bangalore
Garden Maintenance tender in Turuvekere
Civil Construction tender in Nagamangala

116337132: Repairs to no 7 hlbc division nagamangala

Due Date: 10-Mar-2025   Value ₹: 16.42 Lakh Updated: 06-Mar-2025
Pipe Laying tender in Ramanagara
Road Relaying tender in Mandya
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Canal construction service tender in Mandya
Road Relaying tender in Mandya
Road and drain tender in Mysore

115810325: Providing cc drain and structurers for kodiyamma pickup canal under 9th branch of crbc

Due Date: 27-Feb-2025   Value ₹: 4.19 Crore Updated: 19-Feb-2025
Road and drain tender in Ramanagara
Road and drain tender in Tumkur
Road Construction tender in Tumkur

114985188: Improvements to road from bellur to manthanahalli village in nagamangala taluk.

Due Date: 10-Mar-2025   Value ₹: 2.54 Crore Updated: 06-Feb-2025
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Road Relaying tender in Belur

114583814: Improvements to roads in siddarahally village limit in belur taluk

Due Date: 04-Feb-2025   Value ₹: 99.95 Lakh Updated: 31-Jan-2025
Weir Maintenance tender in Mysore

114452617: Improvements and protective works to suttur weir at kabini river near suttur matt

Due Date: 11-Feb-2025   Value ₹: 83.53 Lakh Updated: 28-Jan-2025
Jungle Clearance tender in Mysore
Metal Crash Barrier tender in Bangalore
Religious Building Conservation tender in Bangalore
Road and drain tender in Mandya