Details: digital banners for allsocial media propertiesof iepfa5 banners in a month 3 banners permonth2. facebook posts 60 posts per month 2-3 posts per day3. twitter updates 60 posts per month 2-3 updates per day4. creatives andinfographics 100 per monthfacebook : 2- 3 perdaytwitter : 2creatives/5.single page newslettercreation and designenglish and hindi1 e newsletter permonthto be pushedthrough and audio teaserson all social mediaaccounts of iepfaediting of webinars ,speeches, existingvideos with graphicsof existing videos andfilms of authority5 videos /teasersper month7.creation of mnemonicvideo animation forapproved content5 videos / animationsper tweeting of majorevents and webinarsas per therequirement of theiepfaas per requirementof iepfa9. conduction of fb liveof events and webinarsas per therequirement of theiepfaas per requirementof iepfa10. whatsapp groupscreation of whatappgroups of stakeholders and partnersof iepfa10 whatsappgroups11. blogs and v blogs5 b
Sector: Trade Development