Details: topographic survey 2.32:clearing grass and removal of the up to a distance of 50 m outside the periphery of the area cleared. od32848/2023-2024:topographic survey-conducting topographic survey in canals for taking cross sections at suitable intervals (30 m intervals) and preparing contour maps showing 1m interval contours using total station or such approved methods showing all topographic features like inlet of other water ways, other manmade structures such as bridges, transmission lines, water carriage systems and the preparation and submission of maps at a suitable scale (plan, cross sections, longitudinal sections etc)indicating the contour lines 1m intervals in digitized forms including supplying of 6 numbers of soft copies cd/dvd,6 numbers of hard copies of color print outs etc ap per item no:1.003, complete as per the direction of departmental officers at site(outturn 1.50 hect/day) (ref:circular no:db4-125/cir/2023/inv-idrb dated 03-06-2023) od16642/2024-2025:topographic
Sector: Irrigation