Details: Computing Scales two hectaresComputing Scales five hectaresComputing scales in a box-made of transparent plastic with sliding cursor for the measurement of two hectares from plan or mapComputing scales in a box made of transparent plastic with sliding cursor for the measurement of five hectares area from plan or map3 Offset scales for cadastral survey4offset scale in a box-Plotting scale (1:1) 30 cm long made of celluloid with an offset scaleMetal Cross staff-box typeWooden Cross staff made of teak wood block 15x15x5cm size having two fine saw cuts 1mm wide and Icum deep passing through the middle of the block at right angle to cach other providing the line of sight, provided with a leg of 25mm dia. steel rod 1.5m long pointed at bottom etc. complete.Engineer's Chain1Engineer's chain -Land measuring chain 100 long made from 8 swg dia galvanised mild steel wires divided into 100 Imks, with brass tags
Sector: Industrial Training