Details: dismantling the existing damaged reinforced cement concrete slab including clearing away from site etc., complete dismantling the existing damaged brick masonry wall including materials are clearing away from site etc..complete earth work excavation for foundation in ordinary soil with initial lead and lift etc., complete as per standard specification (narrow excavation) conveyance of earth with an extra lead of 2km including loading and unloading at places shown by the departmental officers. supplying and filling in basement with m.sand in layers of 15cm thick including watering and ramming to consolidation ,etc,complete. plain cement concrete 1:5:10 mix (one cement five m.sand and ten aggregate) using 40mm size iss gauge hbbg metal including mixing, laying, consolidating, curing, cost and conveyance of all materials to site and all labour charges etc., complete as per standard specification - 1 m³ (detailed data for 10 m³ ) providing steel centering and shuttering arrangements f
Sector: Municipality