Details: dismantling the damaged rcc slab as per the instruction of departmental officers including all initial lead and other labour charges desilting the existing drain as per the instruction of departmental officers. including all initial lead and other labour charges dismantling the damaged cement mortar concrete wall work as per the instruction of departmental officers. including all initial lead and other labour charges earth work for drain to required depth, either by cutting and disposal of exvated soil to areas of fill or by filling with earth suitable for filling brought from areas of cutting or borrow pits in all kinds of soils except rock requiring blasting conveyance the excess earth or earth not suitble for refilling dumping and spreading, levelling of the same at places of dump approved by departmental officers and as directedincluding lorry hire charges, labour for loading, unloading, spreading, leveling, making approaches for areas of dumps etc complete cement concrete 1:4:8 (
Sector: Municipality