Details: labour for cutting open bt road for laying water mains or sewer.including all cost of materials,labours,tools and plant etc.,complete with as directed by the departmental officers. earth work excavation for foundation (for narrow excavation) in all soils and sub-soils and to full depth as may be directed except in rock requiring blasting inclusive of shoring shuttering, bailing out water wherever necessary and depositing the surplus earth within the compound in places shown by the departmental officers with an initial lead of 10 mts and initial lift of 2 mts. and clearing and levelling the site, etc., complete complying with standard specification. supplying and delivery of pvc pipes for potable water supply as per is 4985 /200 etc., complete complying with standard specification. (110mm dia pvc pipe twad sor 2023-2024 19) supply and delivery of dwc structured wall polyethylene piping systems (pipe with online/offline coupler and elastomeric sealing ring) with required special
Sector: Municipality