Details: dismantling of existing aluminium door / partition and stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials all upto floor five level as decided and directed by the eng-in-charge. removing the damaged /peeled off laminated sheet at wall panelling including removal of nails and disposal of the same as directed. dismantling of existing wooden/mdf board work stationof size 1.50mx1.90m ,table top etc with neccessary new expansion hold fastners,screws and other acccessories with necessary stacking of materials carefully as decided and directed by the eng-in-charge. transportation charges for shifting of aluminium materials ,particle boards,glazing etc, carefully upto floor v level from various sources as decided and directed by eng-in-charge. providing and fixing aluminium work for partition with available aluminium sections,prelaminated particle boards and glass panels in panelling supplied departmentally with necessary new expansion hold fastners, screws,clips
Sector: Telecommunication