Description: Construction of Retaining Wall Work for Anupanady Channel at PetchiammanPadithurai Road in Ward No51Zone 3 Name of Work onstruction of retaining Wall work for Anupanady channel Petchiamman padithurai road in Ward 51
Details: Earth work excavation for foundation in Hard stiff clay, stiff black cotton, hard red earth, shales murram,gravel,stoney earth and earth mixed with small sizeboulders SS.20B and Sand, silt or other loose soil, wet sand,or silt not under water, light black cotton soil,sandy loam ordinary soil and to full depth as may be directed except in hardrock requiring blasting inclusive of shoring shuttering and baling out water and cleaning and levelling the site etc., complete 10 . The Rate inclusive of all charges such as Earth work and remove the same away from the site etc, complete as per standard specifications. Building 24-25 Page - 2 Supplying and filling in foundation and basement with Quarry Dust in layers of not more than15cm.thick well rammed watered and compacted etc., complete complying with standard specification. Building 23-24 Page - 27 Cement concrete 1:4:8 (one cement four sand and eight aggregates) Using 40mm gauge hard broken granite jelly for foundation inc. consolidat
Sector: Municipality