Details: ns79a-condemned scrap of crank shaft (ley.4 + hino 26 nos.) ns85-condemned iron scrap of angles, pipes etc. ns140-condemned iron scrap of bus seat frames. ns144-condemned scrap of rubber wornout unfit non usable 9.00x20 c class nylon tyres ns148-condemned tread rubber cutting piecess. ns14-condemned empty plastic barrel 210 litre capacity ns15-condemned empty iron open barrel 210 litre capacity with lid ns22-condemned polythene papers and gunny bags ns23-condemned iron scrap of spring shackles, brackets and brake shoe etc. ns28-condemned scrap of g.i. cuttings old ns32-condemned scrap of closed oil barrel 210 lit.capacity ns33-condemned scrap of plywood pieces and other wood pieces ns35-used oil with iron barrel 210 litre capacity ns38-condemned scrap of brake liner, oil filter, oil seals, rubber parts etc. ns39-retreading tyre buffing dust ns40-condemned scrap of rubber wornout unfit non usable 10.00x20 c class radial tyres
Sector: Transport Dept