Details: dismantling the existing reinforced cement concrete including removing the debris from the site and stacking useful material at work site for reuse etc., complete complying with standard specification. dismantling the existing plain cement concrete including removing the debris from the site and stacking useful material at work site for reuse etc., complete complying with standard specification. plain cement concrete 1:4:8 [one cement, four m-sand and eight course aggregates] using 40mm size hard broken/machine crushed granite stone jelly including dewatering if found necessary and laid in layers of not more than 15cm thick and compacted etc., complete complying with standard specification. supplying and erecting centering including necessary supports for the plane surfaces such as drainage & culvert retaining walls etc., using mild steel sheets of size 90cm x 60cm and bg 10 stiffened with welded mild steel angles of size 25mm x 25mm x 3mm for boarding supported by casurina props of 10
Sector: Municipality