Details: cutting the existing cement concrete road etc., complete as per standard specification. providingandlaying,spreadingandcompacting0.396m3of4522.40mm&0.528m3of22.402.36mm&0.396m3of2.36mmandbelowmetalgradedstoneaggregatetowetmixmacadam(wmm)soecificationincludingpremixingthematerialwithwateratomcinmechanicalmixplantcarriagetomixedmaterialbytippertositelayinginuniforlayerswithpaverinsubbase/basecourseonwellpreparedsurfaceandcompactingwithvibratoryrollertoachivethedesireddensitycompleteasperclasue 406 of morth specifications. supplying and laying rubberised interlocking paver block m40 grade providing and laying 80mm thick high strength type conforming is 15658-2007 of rubberized interlocking paverblock in size of minimum compressive strength of 40n mm2 in uniform shape of approved make to be laid in flurring pattern with quarry cushion below the uniform shape of approved non skitting surface in the top and the rate including levelling the base preparation of pavers as sub base, quarry
Sector: Municipality