Details: supply of 11 kv ab switches with 11 kv pt insulator 0.6kva ups 11 kv ab switches with 11 kv pt insulator supply of ( i)leatheroid paper 3mil (ii)5mil (iii)7mil ( iv)10 mil &(v)20 mil ( i) leatheroid paper 3mil (ii)leatheroid paper 5mil (iii) leatheroid paper 7mil (iv) leatheroid paper 10mil (v) leatheroid paper 20mil stay pit in ordinary soil [0.95 x 0.6 x 1.2m] semi rocky soil stay pit in heavy rocky soil where blasting/ cheseling reqiured [specific approval should be obtained from concerned ee] of poles & stays (including refilling of excavated earth) of 7.5m / 8.0m poles [rcc / psc] of 9.00m / 9.14m rcc / psc/rail pole, tubular pole and all metal poles dismantling of 3 phase meter
Sector: Power Sector