Description: MCB (6 Amo. To 32 Am D.P.40 amo Iso. D.P.63 amo Iso. T.P.N. 6l amo / I00 Am MCCB 4 Dole 6J anrD/ 100 Am Wire 1.5 MM Wire 2.5 MM Wire 25 MM Copper 4 core Wire 2.5 MM 3 Cure Modular switch 5 am Modular socket 5 am Modular su itch l5 arn Modular socket 15 Multi D[rs l5 Switch 15 A Socket l5 Am Socket 5 Extension Board with one Socket & Switch 15 Amp, 2 Socket & Swirch 5 lop with 10 mtr. Wire. 2I I MCB TPN 63 MCB TPN 40 r Wire 3 core ed Cable 25 mm iie lmm lqqtion-2 r Brand-Bajaj. Cromplon. Orienr &Havells LED Bulb 9W LED Bulb 15 W Ceililrc Fan 56 Ceilins Fan 48 Bulb - 0 i0 Walt - 3 (Misc. er Element/Auto clave element illar switch illar rod Wooden Board 8x10 inch Wooden Board 7x4 inch Sunmica Sheet 8x10 inch Sunmica Sheet 7x4 inch Sen i(d \lirc l0 MM Chanee over Switch 63 Chanee over Switch 100 Bullet bolt Kit Kat fuse 32 Kit Kat fuse 100 am PiDe I inch Pipe 7, inch Fastener lomm 3 inch Fastener 10mm 4 inch P.V.C. Cidi/ telephone Clip/Baften Flexibe pipe%inuh I 7 inch Scrcw 2 inch 36140 W Element (Big) 1.5 KW Bus baf 100 Bus bar 63 Am Ihinble 25 MM Ceilinq tube li v 15 no per Bnlb 60/100w TaorollI% rod 36/40 let< rod ler Bulb holdel CFL Bulb i5 W Choke 36/40 W Side holder for tube Room heater sinsle & double iod nt 1000/l500/2000 ible wire 23176 Coooer,A4tr Fan caDacitof 2 MFD /2.5 MFD CooktoD 1200 Watt F?id Based Room Heat Blower (1000 KIT KAT 100 am PVC Pipe ?' PVC PiDe l PVC Band % PVC Band l l0l ! Junction Bo\ % ' n Boxl PiDe c lip l ' black % Scfew black I %'' black 2 Scr€w black 4 Hammerins Drill Bit- 6,8,10,12mm Cutter Blade 4 Cufter Blade 5' ser sai-ety valve Sun mica Sheet 9rl I Wooden Boad 9x11 Steel Wife lndieator Red. Creen Bus Bar 100 am Bus Baf 200 am Nur Bolt 10 Nui Bolt 8 Thinble 25mm Thimble 50 mm ThimbLe 100 mrn Service Wire 10mm Service Wife 12 mm Door Bell l.l5 Ganse Bux I *a ire Clip 25 mn Fan Hook - D Bulb 0 Wa Seat laser Ele
Sector: Medical Education