Displaying Government Medical College Hospital Chandigarh tenders

Search Government Medical College and Hospital tenders using a simplified and user friendly interface. Tendersniper consolidates manual and electronic tenders under works, goods, consulting services and non-consulting services categories, Expression of Interest (EOI), Request of Information (RFI), Request for Quotation (RFQ), Private Public Partnership (PPP) and Prequalification (PQ) tenders published by the Government Medical College and Hospital. Tendersniper provides the best quality alerts in the market on GMCH Chandigarh tenders. Register to view the full tender details and to receive customized tender alerts in your email. Our registered users can use the following options to filter the tenders published by the Government Medical College and Hospital and quickly find the tender they are looking for: Value, district, published date, expiry date, estimate value, Earnest Money Deposit or EMD, bid submission type (i.e., manual or electronic) and value range. Tendersniper consolidates online tenders, e Tenders, Expression of Interest, Request for Quotation, and Manual tender notice published by Government Medical College and Hospital in the various e-Procurement portals in India.

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Latest GMCH Chandigarh Tenders

97888825: Tab. Hydroxy Chloroquine 200 mg

Due Date: 15-Jul-2024
Category : Hydroxychloroquine sulfate
Updated : 28-Jun-2024

97807271: Inj.Normal Saline 3 ltr (Irrigation fluid)

Due Date: 16-Jul-2024
Category : Saline
Updated : 27-Jun-2024

97817793: Human anti-hemophilic factor IX (plasma derived)200 IU

Due Date: 16-Jul-2024
Category : Antihemophilic Factors
Updated : 27-Jun-2024
To get unlimited access to GMCH Chandigarh tenders   Register

97807273: Sevoflurane 250ml (Inhalation anesthesia)

Due Date: 15-Jul-2024
Category : Sevoflurane
Updated : 27-Jun-2024

97817783: Inj. Carboplatin 450mg(IV)

Due Date: 16-Jul-2024
Category : Injections
Updated : 27-Jun-2024

97748123: Chlorhexidine Hand Rub (coloured) with dispenser 500 ml bottle

Due Date: 08-Jul-2024
Category : Hand sanitizer
Updated : 26-Jun-2024

97748126: Anti-haemophilic Factor VIII Recombinant (monoclonal purified nanofilter) 500 IU

Due Date: 08-Jul-2024
Category : Antihemophilic Factors
Updated : 26-Jun-2024

97748129: Inj.antisnake venom serum 10 ml vial IV

Due Date: 08-Jul-2024
Category : Injections
Updated : 26-Jun-2024
To view the full tender details about the latest GMCH Chandigarh tenders and to receive customized alerts for tenders published by Government Medical College Hospital Chandigarh  in your email.

97748128: Total Parentrel Nutrition (TPN ) (IVinfusion) 1000 ml (more/less 20ml)

Due Date: 08-Jul-2024
Category : Bags
Updated : 26-Jun-2024

97261762: Hiring of Recruitment Agency

Due Date: 11-Jul-2024
Category : Recruitment services
Updated : 19-Jun-2024

59412659: endotracheal tubes or reinforced endotracheal tube plain

Due Date: 17-Sep-2022
Category : Endotracheal tubes
Updated : 19-May-2024

74949947: 05 years CAMC of 20 Nos. Face Recognition Biometric Attendance System

Due Date: 03-Jul-2023
Category : Face Recognition Attendance System
Updated : 19-May-2024

57352084: Gel Pen

Due Date: 11-Aug-2022
Category : Gel pens
Updated : 19-May-2024

59460515: ECG Machine

Due Date: 22-Sep-2022
Category : ECG Machine
Updated : 19-May-2024
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56170001: EEG Machine

Due Date: 11-Jul-2022
Category : EEG Supplies
Updated : 19-May-2024

56473652: Real time PCR (Real Time PCR Machine)

Due Date: 29-Jul-2022
Category : PCR Machine
Updated : 19-May-2024

58601141: Line Interactive UPS with AVR

Due Date: 23-Aug-2022
Category : Uninterruptible power supplies
Updated : 19-May-2024

59062341: Dressing Trolley

Due Date: 02-Sep-2022
Category : Trolleys or accessories
Updated : 19-May-2024

58127025: medical staff shoe cover

Due Date: 16-Aug-2022
Category : Medical shoe covers
Updated : 19-May-2024

57306493: tracheostomy tubes with cuff blister pack adult

Due Date: 30-Jul-2022
Category : Tracheostomy tubes
Updated : 19-May-2024