Description: Repair and maintenance of HPTDB office U S Club Shimla Name of Work Repair and maintenance of O O HPTDB U S Club Shimla
Details: Providing wood work in trusses, purlins, rafters, posts, post plates, wall plates and the like wrought framed, hoisted and fixed in position. including carriage of materials by manual & mechnical means and loading/unloading in all leads and lifts. 2nd class deodar wood. Providing corrugated G.I sheet roofing 0.63 mm thick of Tata make fixed with galvanised iron J.or L. hooks bolts and nuts 8 mm diameter with bitumen and G.I. limpet washers etc. filled with white lead complete excluding the cost of purlins refters and trusses. as required as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge as required as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge. Providing ridges or hips of width 60 cm overall width plain G.I. sheet fixed with polymer coated J or L hooks, bolts and nuts 8 mm dia G.I. limpet and bitumen washers etc. complete i/c carriage of materails by manual & mechnical means loading/unloading etc. 0.63 mm thick Tata make Providing valleys of 90 cm wide overall in plain G.I. sheet fixed with p
Sector: Aviation