Description: CONSTRUCTION OF OYSTER MUSHROOM SHED AT PAJANCOA AND RI KARAIKAL Name of Work Construction of Oyster Mushroom shed at PAJANCOA RI KARAIKAL 609603
Details: CONSTRUCTION OF MUSHROOM SHED (LENGTH: 20 FT; WIDTH: 10 FT; SIDE WALL HEIGHT 5.5 FT; RIDGE HEIGHT: 4 FT) Civil Work: Construction of 5.5 ft height 8-inch width wall all around four side above the existing 1 ft wall with Bengaluru multiwall clay stone (8 “X 8’ X16”) with CM 1:6 mix; 4" thick PCC 1:2:4 mix on top of the Clay stone area to fix structure with M.S. Plate on the concrete base. Total height of the wall is 6.5 ft above GL (5.5 ft + 1 feet existing wall) Structure work: Supply, fabrication & of 50mm GI Square pipe Ridger Wall thickness; 2mm) coated with zinc chromate primer and synthetic enamel paint Structure work: Supply, fabrication & of 50mm GI sq.pipe Arch Wall thickness; 2mm) coated with zinc chromate primer and synthetic enamel paint Structure work: Supply, fabrication & of 65mm GI pipe Arch bottom supporter Wall thickness; 2mm) coated with zinc chromate primer and synthetic enamel paint Structure work: Supply, fabrication & of 38mm GI pipe Purlin Wall thickne
Sector: Agriculture Misc