Description: ELECTRICITY
Details: LED 72 WattLEDs 45 WattLEDs 65 WattsLEDs 60 WattsLEDs 90 WattClamps with smaller nut bolts up to 1 inchClamp 4 Inch Nut With Boltcable 06 mmcable 04 mmcable 10 mmtaperollMain Switch 63 AmpereMain Switch 32 AmperePlasscrewdriverSupply- SP 21 Pole 12 KG Weight, 8.5 Meter Length, Stay Set, Stay Wire, Bunch Cable (40 Meter) IC G 25 M 16 M 2 151 Mark, Eye Hook, Suspension Claim, Dead, and Vamp, as per PRC sample Installation work - According to the rules, to replace the pole SP-21 in the ratio of 1:2:4 by 1 1/2 meters of lint, cassette, sand, and to fix all the goods according to the rules.Supply - G01 octagonal pole 6 meters, 70 mm top 130 mm bunch, one meter bracket, foundation best nut, 1.5 mm cable mcb 16 amp, 4 core aryd cable (25 meter approx) Circular installation - said GI octagonal pole 6 meter foundation (company) All work by 10/4 under ground cable laid.Supply - Decorative Fancy Pole (Mbvmatpame) 5 meter Bajaj equivalent, 45 watt Holly, Berry LED Lantern Decorative Bracket, Found
Sector: Municipality