Details: name of the items experimental physiology -demonstration set electric time markers 100/sec tuning fork time marker 100/sec. spirit lamp mary’s tambour demonstrations eye piece double demonstration eye piece stage incubator perimeter pristely smith s/lp .984 b & t haemoglobinometer, sahli’s or hellige (with space) haemocytometers sphygmomanometer digital stethoscopes stethoscopes, demonstration with mutipleear pieces polygraphs venous pressure apparatus spirometer, ordinary gas analysis apparatus, haldane’s students type van slyke’s apparatus manometric gas analyser automatic for co2, o2,n2 douglas bag complete basal metabolism apparatus erogographmosse’s clinical digital thermometer compass aesthesiometer thermo esthesiometer algometer apparatus for passive movement knee hammer stethograph bicycle ergometer olfactometer ophthalmoscope schematic eye phakoscope perimeter with charts (lister’s) colour perception lantern edridge green maddox rod newtons colour wheel tuning forks to te