Details: cartage of steel poles from store centre to construction site with loading & unloading at both points approx distance 71-100 km steel pole 11.0 mtr. sp-55 (bphd) steel pole 8.5 mtr. sp-23 (bphd) other material head load cartage of following material from road to site approx distance 12.0 km steel pole 11.0 mtr. sp-55 (bphd) steel pole 8.5 mtr. sp-23 (bphd) other material exavation of earth for pole pit of size 0.9x0.9x1/6 of full lenth of polestay pit size 0.6x0.6x1.2 mtrin all types of soil including proper dressing of including proper dressing of sides and ramming of bottom including getting out the excavted soil and disposelof surplus and disposel of surplus excaveted soll as directed complete work. steel pole 11.0 mtr. sp-55 (bphd) steel pole 8.5 mtr. sp-23 (bphd) of pole support as per resspo specification of the following types of poles in boulder mixed soil, grouting of support in cc 1:4:8 block incuding cost of ballast,cement and sand, back filling of soil and boulders