Details: dismantling and removing lime concrete flooring 7.5 cm to 10 cm thick including stacking the useful materials for reuse and removing the debries with in 50 m lead. supplying all labour, material t&p for earth work in excavation of foundation in all kinds of soil with 50 mtr. initial lead and 1.5 mtr. lift including rough dressing and leveling the bed etc. all complete as per pw specification and direction of engineer-in-charge. supplying all labour, material t&p for filling foundation and plinth with raw sand well watered and rammed etc. all complete including cost, conveyances, and royalty of all materials to site as per pw specification and direction of engineer-in-charge. supplying all labour, material t&p for providing p.c.c.(1:3:6) using 40mm size h.b.g. chips including hoisting and laying etc. all complete including cost, conveyances, and royalty of all materials to site and curing as per pw specification and direction of engineer-in-charge fly ash brick masonary in cement mo
Sector: Municipality