Details: dismantlling and removing cement concrete including stacking the useful materials for re-use and removing the debries within 50mtr lead. earth work in excavation of foundation in oridinary soil within the initial lead and lift including dressing and levelling the bed and depositing the excavated materials away from the work site etc. all complete as directed by the engineer-in-charge labour charges for shifting of rcc drain cover slab & reinstalling the same to orginal position carefully after cleaning the inside of drain as per direction of eic earth work in slushy soil in water upto 0.60 mtr depth requiring the aid of pan & vessel within 50mtr initial lead and 1.50mtr initial lift. transportation of excavated earth and dismantling debris by mechanical means including loading and unloading within 5 km lead as per direction of engineer in charge. dewatering using 5hp diesel engine etc complete as per directio of engineer in charge. shifting of lt electric pole from closer road si
Sector: Municipality