Details: construction of 5 tpd micro composting center rourkela muncipal corporation area mcc1 at tarkera. leveling of area by hydraulic excavator [1mᶟ] etc. supplying all matail, labour t & p and spreading of iron ore including ramming or rolling with light h.r.r. in etc. all complete earth work in ordinary soil within 50 m. initial lead and 1.5 m initial lift including ressing & breading clods to omaximum 5cm to 7cm & laying in layers not exceding 0.3 m in depth & as per direction of the engineer-in-charge. filling in foundation & plinth with sand watered and ramed etc complete. cement concrete (1:3:6) with 4cm. size hard granite cruser broken metal. rcc work of m-20 grade with 20mm & down grade black hard granite (crusher broken) stone chips including hoisting & laying. supplying all labour,materials and t&p for m.s. reinforcement for r.c.c. works including cutting, bending, binding and tying grills and placing in position rigid & smooth centering & shuttering for rcc work including fal
Sector: Municipality