Details: earth excavation of foundation in hard soil within initial lead & lift including leveling the bed & depositing the soil away working area etc completed as direction of engineer. filling in foundation and plinth with sand including quarring, collecting, conveying, supplying and watering incuding cost, conveyance,roylaty & taxes of all materials. & cost of all labour, t & p etc. complete. s/r p c.c. (1:3:6) using 4cm. size b.h.g. (c.b.) metal including cost, conveyance & royalty of all materials, cost of all labour , labour cess, t & p, watering, curing etc. complete. cement concrete (1:2:4) using 12mm. size c.b.b.h.g chips including cost of all materials etc. complete. rigid & smooth centering & shuttering for including dismantling for reuse after casting etc. complete. providing, and laying 80mm thick factory made cement concrete interlocking paver block making machine with strong vibratory compaction of approved size design and shape laid in requiered
Sector: Municipality