Details: maintenance service contract of fire detection & protection system. the scope or work under theproposed service contract are as follows:1) total quantity of preventive maintenance service (in man days) : 40 days2) duration of contract shall be 2 years from the start of contract.3) each amc visit (quarterly) to check system healthiness and attend modifications as additionor deletion of any device.4) system covered under the contract:a) fire alarm panels (faps): 07 no.s(u#1,u#2,u#3,chp,new service building, adminbuilding,central stores)b) repeater panel: 01 no.s(cisf firestation)c) fdps workstation: 04 field detectors and associated modules : multisensor & photoelectric type detector, cr,ct, cc1,mcp, heat detector sensor, solenoids, lhs & ird ct module etc, any other moduleused for fire detection & alarm system.5) works under contractor’s scope for proposed service contract:preventive maintenance, following jobs shall be carried out during each preventivemaintenance visit:a) check
Sector: Research center